The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires...... William Arthur Ward
Throughout my business career I have made it a point to include teaching as part of my life. Here's why: I thoroughly enjoy it. Teaching makes me better at whatever I’m doing in business. I learn from my students and always come away inspired. Helping shape next generations of leaders has always been one of my most important responsibilities.
Current Teaching Activity:
I serve as an Adjunct Professor at the University Of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. It's particularly energizing to be teaching in both the undergraduate and graduate MBA programs in these exciting, challenging and digitally transformed times. I am honored to be a member of USC's outstanding faculty.
MyCourses: Marketing Fundamentals - Digital Marketing - Advertising & Promotion Strategy - Marketing Practicum
Campus Chronicles - My Video Diary
I created an IGTV Instagram series chronicling my 2019 semester that provides a glimpse inside campus life and my classes. Here's the trailer and link to the IGTV channel.
Other Great Institutions At Which I Have Taught: