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Around the turn of the Century (2000, that is), I was entering a new stage in my life. I was looking for a better, more satisfying way of living and searching for ways to make a positive impact. My son Gregg introduced me to an amazing person and very successful psychologist, Dr. Kathy Cramer. Kathy had been developing and practicing Asset-Based Thinking for over 20 years. She in turn was searching for a new way to creatively bring ABT to life. We had an instant connection, decided to collaborate on a book and off we went. Our first book, Change The Way You See Everything was born. "Positive psychology meets Madison Avenue." Asset-Based Thinking can change the way you perceive yourself and your ability to change the world around you. You can actually direct and shape the future you desire. With Asset-Based Thinking you will never look at the world the same way again. Get ready for a life changing adventure.



The second book in the series, Change The Way You See Yourself, takes the ABT principles one step further and explains how it can alter your view of yourself by unleashing your own power, expanding your circle of influence, and increasing your personal impact on the world. Here's a guided tour of what's inside the book.







Change The Way You See Everything For Teens”helps teens find the strength they need to create positive change in their world the world around them. It will also aid parents of teens and teachers who want to help their kids get past the stress and anxiety filled years of adolescence. The book also is chock full of great ABTadvice, tips, tools and more.

The Asset-Based Thinking Series

Hank Wasiak and Kathy Cramer
Asset Based Thinking Books
Inside The Book

Asset-Based Thinking (ABT)is a revolutionary and refreshingly simple mindset management process proven to promote greater resilience, optimism and confidence. Pioneered by psychologist Dr. Kathy Cramer, a best-selling author, speaker and consultant leading The Cramer Institute, ABT has already shown tens of thousands of people how to make small shifts in perception and thinking that have led to remarkable results in their work, their lives and the lives of those they touch.

More About Asset-Based Thinking

Asset-Based Thinking Video

Kathryn D. Cramer, Ph.D., is a psychologits who is passionate about showing leaders how to operate in the upper ranges of their potential. Kathy dedicated her career to Asset-Based Thinking®, a way of looking at the world that helps leaders and influencers make small shifts in thinking to produce extraordinary impact. As a leadership development consultant, Kathy has worked with clients such as DuPont, Nestle Purina, Starbucks, and Microsoft, as well as many educational and non-profit organizations.


Dr. Kathy Cramer has written nine books, including the best-selling book Change the Way You See Everything, which started the ABT movement in business, healthcare and education.

Meet My Friend & Collaborator

My New Book - From Mad Man To Happy Farmer

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Behind My Resume
It All Started When
Why This Book 

In From Mad Man to Happy Farmer, I share stories, advice and tips learned from my lifetime in marketing to help guide and inspire next generation leaders. My journey took me through the boardrooms of the ad world’s biggest names, to co-founding Concept Farm, becoming  a best-selling author, winning three Emmy awards and faculty appointments at seven universities.




This book is an amalgam of a career memoir (my story), advice forum (Mad Man Wisdom) and marketing manual (Marketing Truisms & Tips). It’s designed to be an interactive reader experience with a content rich companion website. You’re just one click or scan away from viewing all of the referenced video and visual content in real time. I hope you get as much enjoyment reading about my exploits as I did living them. 


ABT Commercials. Kathy and I created a series of commercials about changing the way we see Power, Influence, Impact and the Future. Here's a You Tube link to all of our ABT commercials and a look at the Power commercial. 

Change The Way You See Power

Got Books?

Change The Way You See Yourself
Asset Based Thinkin For Teens Book
Change The Way You See Innovation Book
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