My New Book
I thought it would be helpful to provide an overview and collection of my work that people might find interesting and helpful. My experiences in the marketing communications business, as an author, TV host, teacher and volunteer have brought me to a wonderful place in life. Definitely an eclectic mix. You can read about my business experiences the brought me to where I am now... in my recently published career memoir, Fr0m Mad Man To Happy Farmer and in an article I wrote for Blog Critics, From The Boardroom To The Barnyard “A Short Story About A Long Career And Five Valuable Life Lessons Worth Sharing” . There's an "official" bio further down the page if you're interested. Equipped with the tools and techniques of Asset-Based Thinking, I am looking forward to putting the wisdom of these years to work thinking BIG, helping make BIG things happen and make a difference in the lives of future leaders.
The Best is Next. Stay Tuned.
Some Of My Writings

Real Mad Men. Real Stories. An inside commentary on Mad Men sprinkled with a real time view of today’s Ad Biz. What was that life really like? How realistic, or perhaps not realistic enough, is the life of the Ad men portrayed on the show? Thought provoking, educational, entertaining, and most of all, true. Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.
Celebrating Asset-Based Thinking® and to how to apply this simply profound way of thinking to your own life everyday. Read them on my blog on thewisdomguy.com
I am very fortunate to have been a featured guest writer for Mashable. Here's a link to my article, How Social Media has Radically Changed Advertising. A bold prediction back then. Yep, I was right about that one!
Some Of My Work
About My New Book
Short Montage of Appearances
My Blog Website
"Wisdom and advice based on decades of experience and accumulated expertise shared through the lens of an asset-based thinker."
Here's what thewisdomguy.com is about. Using the power and potential of asset-based thinking to challenge conventional wisdom to live better, more fulfilling and professional lives. Lots of great practical advice across a number of topics exploring ways to inform, inspire and motivate our greatest "assets"...Youth.